Monday, September 6, 2010


Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation". - Rumi, the 13th century sufi mystic...

For someone who is so used to living with herself I thought I knew all about Silence. On reading this quote from Rumi, I am sitting here wondering if I have been misinterpreting silences all my own and those of others?

Usually when I am outwardly silent my mind is spinning a thousand yarns all going in multiple directions. Is that God talking to me or is it I making a poor attempt at translating Godspeak?

There are silences that hurt..badly wanting to be broken but we doggedly continue the status quo and then there are the ones that cry out loud for attention - yet we refuse to acknowledge its presence.

Silence from friends mean they are preoccupied and the ones from loved one that they are ignoring us..all things getting lost in translation..and the only way to untangle the myth is let God speak to us through that another.

What do you get when you divide silence by half?

It is disconcerting to know that I have been re interpreting translations all my is time to learn the language of God.


Unknown said...

writing comes to u as easily as leaves to a tree.Cheers keep it up and (aside) I bequeath to u my degree in english major.

Ethereous Muser said...

Thanks Tinni B. I am honored that you think its worth while :)