Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tour de Force

Overheard in a cafe -

Few people who appeared to be friends meeting after decades exchanging notes about where they are at this point in their lives. Some talked about kids and families, others about their latest adventure at whatever jobs they were holding. My ears picked up a thread - "I keep going to New York twice every year", he said. "Oh, you must be doing so well for yourself!"

At this point I tuned off and began drifting to the idea of success and its relative perception for people. I am always amused when making a couple of international trips per year is associated with the premise that you must have arrived in life!

Here's my personal barometer for my own success as an individual -

On a Road Less Travelled

When little kids like me enough to wave and blow kisses from their tiny schoolbus window..

When I have more than one girlfriend vying for who drops by with comfort food as I lay in bed thinking I am going to die of common viral fever...

When a long lost friend reconnects with a warmth that is associated with the closest of buddies...

When neighborhood urchins uncharacteristically offer me a solitary Jasmine flower...

When colleagues at work know exactly when I am in need of that cup of coffee ...

But mostly when I get up every morning, with a smile on my face, with a passion in my heart and a song on my lips!


sukanya said...

when your friend overseas nags you for the slightest possible reason....

Anonymous said...

I love your posts!! Very delightful and you keep it real! You simply rock!

Ethereous Muser said...

@Rimz - lol...the friend better keept at it!
@Eva - thank you, my friend!

sulekkha said...

When my daughter calls me up from her college hostel just because she misses me and my awesome cooking :)

Ethereous Muser said...

Awww Sulekha that ranks over all of mine!

Swati said...

Yippeee!! I'm in this post!! :) Seriously though, I love it!

Ethereous Muser said...

Swati - yeah Babe - so you are!! Hugs...